ITI 481: Web Technology: Web Server Setup (Section 13)
Rutgers University Internet Institute

Instructor: Christopher Uriarte <>

Meetings: (Section 13) Tuesdays (6:10p-9:00p): Oct 10, 17, 24, (skip 31), Nov 7, 2000; Rutgers Internet Institute Somerset Facility

This course is designed for students who want to learn how to install, configure, and administer a Web server that runs on a Unix system and can be used to deliver dynamic content.

Prerequisites: Either ITI-480 Unix Fundamentals or equivalent user-level knowledge of Unix. You MUST have basic knowledge of a UNIX text editory (pico, emacs, vi etc.)

Official Class Website with Class Slides: (password required)

Course Textbook: Professional Apache, Peter Wainwright, Wrox Press, (1999); ISBN 1-861003-02-1.

Optional Books: Apache : The Definitive Guide (2nd Ed.), Ben and Peter Laurie - O'Reilly (1999)

Syllabus: Available here in a Microsoft Word version or an HTML version.

Notes and Announcements:


  • (October 9, 2000) - Class slides for Meeting 1 are available here in web format. If you would like the full PowerPoint 2000 version, click here.

  • (October 17, 2000) - Class slides for Meeting 2 are available here in web format. If you would like the full PowerPoint 2000 version, click here.

  • (October 17, 2000) - Here's the homework for this week.

  • (October 23, 2000) Class slides for Meeting 3 will be available here on Tuesday. If you would like the full PowerPoint 2000 version, it will be here. I will provide slide handouts again for the class. Homework for our long two week break will be posted on Wednesday and Thursday.

  • (October 26, 2000) Here's the homework for the long two week break. There are two parts:

    Part 1: Do the Log Analyzer installation (Project #2) on our course homepage.

    Part 2: I'd like your to read a whitepaper on Apache performance tuning. It is available here in Adobe Acrobat PDF format and Microsoft Word format. If, by some chance, you can't read any of these formats, please let me know. This is a typical whitepaper you might read in a technical journal, magazine or website. I don't expect you to understand ever part of it, but I think it is import that you become familiar with technical documents like this. Jot down a few notes about things you do understand and any other questions you have....we'll talk about it in our next class.

  • (October 31, 2000) IMPORTANT NOTE: It's possible that you may have downloaded the wrong assignment, which may have caused you to experience errors when compiling the program or viewing the stats webpage. THIS IS NOT YOUR FAULT. THIS IS CAUSED BY A CHANGE WITH THE ITI SYSTEM YOU USUALLY LOG INTO. THE ASSIGNMENT WAS LINKED TO OUR WEBSITE ON Sometime after I posted the assignment became a different machine. Therefore, is the only valid name for the machine that you usually log into! Please re-check the assignment to make sure you saw the correct version (on After successfully completing the log analysis, you should have a stats page that looks like this.

  • (November 5, 2000) - Class slides for Meeting 4 are available here in web format. If you would like the full PowerPoint 2000 version, click here.

  • (November 12, 2000) - The final project for this class will be a simple one. It consists of configuring an Apache server correctly. The project is described here, under the ITI-520 section. You MUST perform a full re-compile of Apache - DON'T just copy over your old Apache files....I can tell if you re-compiled them. When you are complete, LEAVE THE APACHE SERVER RUNNING and email me ASAP. You should complete this project within 4 weeks.