ITI 481: UNIX Administration (Section 14)
Rutgers University Internet Institute

Instructor: Christopher Uriarte <>

Meetings (Please pay attention to this confusing schedule): Meetings (18 hrs): (Section 14) Mondays (6:10p-9:00p): Nov 13, 20, (skip 27), Dec 4, 11, (skip 18), (skip 25), (skip Jan 1, 2001), Jan 8, (skip 15), 22, 2001; Somerset facility (note change in location from original posting)

In this course, participants will install the Unix operating system and will perform system administration activities in a hands-on environment. Topics covered include: Installing Unix. Unix startup and setup. Window managers and desktops: X-Windows. Systems administration, network administration, configuring the X-Windows system, account creation, server management.

Prerequisites: Either ITI-480 Unix Fundamentals or equivalent user-level knowledge of Unix. You MUST have basic knowledge of a UNIX text editory (pico, emacs, vi etc.)

Official Class Website with Class Slides: (password required)

Course Textbook: Linux Administration: A Beginner's Guide, Steve Shah - McGraw Hill, 2000.

Optional Books: Essential System Administration : Help for Unix System Administrators (Nutshell Handbook), Aeleen Frisch - O'Reilly (1996)

Syllabus: choose HTML version of MS Word version.

Notes and Announcements:

  • (January 20, 2001) - Here are materials for the last class:
    - Sendmail Overview
    - UNIX Security Overview
    - SAMBA Overview

  • (September 20, 2001) - Notes for class 5 on NIS and Cron will be coming soon (I promise ;).

  • (January 20, 2001) - The FINAL PROJECT is here.

  • (January 8, 2000) - Here are the slides for Class #5.

  • (December 27, 2000) - Here are notes from Class 4 on filesystems, partitioning, mounting and NFS.

  • (December 8, 2000) - Here are the slides for Class #4.

  • (December 8, 2000) - Here are part 2 to the notes for Class 3 covering UNIX network administration.

  • (December 5, 2000) - here are part 1 to the notes for Class 3 covering account and group management.

  • (November 25, 2000) - The class notes for Class 3 are here.

  • (November 25, 2000) - Here are some notes from class 2 on installing software. Also refer to the class slides for some good details on run levels and the Linux boot process. I will be posting more notes and some practice questions laster in the week.

  • (November 18, 2000) - Here are the slides for Class #2. They are also available here in Microsoft PowerPoint format.

  • (November 19, 2000) - The "official" class website at will be down for a week or so - due to technical reasons, I will not be able to update it. Please disregard any of the links to slides on that page. Please refer to this page for all class slides, notes and technical resources.

  • (November 18, 2000) - Here are some KEY NOTES from materials covered in Class 1 that briefly touch upon Linux distributions, hardware compatibility, partitioning, and X-Windows.

  • The newest versions of most Linux distributions (Red Hat, Mandrake, etc.) are available for just a few bucks at Cheap Bytes.

  • This class does not cover the installation or configuration of a web server. Once this class is complete, you should have enough competence to install a web server on a UNIX system. Apache is the most popular web server software on the web today, and it's free! You can read more about Apache at I highly recommend Apache, The Definitive Guide, Second Edition (Ben and Peter Laurie - O'Reilly, 1999).