Instructor: Christopher Uriarte <>
Meetings:Wednesdays (6:00p-9:00p): Feb 20, 27, Mar 6, 13, 2002; Possumtown Road facility, Room R125, Piscataway
Prerequisites: Either ITI-480 Unix Fundamentals or equivalent user-level knowledge of Unix. You MUST have basic knowledge of a UNIX text editors (pico, emacs, vi etc.)
Official Class Website with Class Slides:
Course Textbook: Professional Apache, Peter Wainwright, Wrox Press, (1999); ISBN 1-861003-02-1.
Optional Books: Apache : The Definitive Guide (2nd Ed.), Ben and Peter Laurie - O'Reilly (1999)
Alternate Email:
Office Telephone:(732) 847-6249
This course is designed for students who want to learn how to install, configure, and administer a Web server that runs on a Unix system and can be used to deliver dynamic content.
Notes and Announcements: