ITI 510: Computer Networks (Section 02 - 2002)
Rutgers University Center for Applied Computer Technolgies

Instructor: Christopher Uriarte <>

Meetings: (18 hrs) Saturdays (10:00a-1:00p): Feb 16, 23, Mar 2, 9, 16, 23, 2002; Possumtown Road facility, Room R107, Piscataway

This course is for students who have an interest in computer networks. Topics covered include: architectures of computer networks; the operations of the network layers; and emerging trends in computer networks. Aspects of computer networks and Internet protocols are explored through hands-on experiments. No programming expertise is required.

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of computers. Some UNIX experience or PC Administration experience helpful, but not necessary.

Class Notes and Announcements: (this page)

Course Textbook: Networking Explained, 2ed by Michael A. Gallo, William M. Hancock (2002)

Notes and Announcements:

  • Notes for Class 1 are here in PowerPoint format.

  • Resources for Class 1 on Subnetting and Binary Counting:

    Binary Counting Links:

  • Notes for Class 2 are here in PowerPoint format.

    Subnettting Links: (Very good overall resource)

    Subnet Calculators (You need to know the concepts behind subnetting before you use these)

  • Here is a tutorial I put together for you on subnetting: available as a MS Word Document, Acrobat PDF file, or regular browser HTML (not formatted as pretty as the Word doc or PDF, though).
  • Slides for Class 3 are here in PowerPoint format.

  • Slides for Class 4 are here in PowerPoint format.

  • Slides for Class 5 are here in PowerPoint format.

  • Slides for Class 6 are here in PowerPoint format. (If this link is dead, they will be here shortly)

  • Here is the final project for this class. Please let me know if you have any questions.