Christopher Jon Uriarte online since 1994.
personal info

Just the facts, Jack:
  • A career banking, product and technology executive specializing in creating and deploying industry-leading products and services. Specialist in the payments, fintech, risk management, fraud and credit card industries. Former recipient of the InfoWorld CTO 25 Award.
  • Resident of Miami and Hoboken, the unique and quirky one-square-mile community on the banks of the Hudson River, directly across from Manhattan
  • More-than-frequent traveler, having flown over 3 million miles commercially.
  • Obsessive about:  snowboarding, SCUBA diving, road cycling, good food, travel, airline and aviation geekery, boating, watches, personal and enterprise technologies, the fintech, payments and credit card industries, music, etc.
  • More details can be found in my professional biography on this site site.

contacting me via email.

My personal email address is:

But, to quote John Gruber, of daringfireball fame:

    Unfortunately, I am at times a lousy correspondent - where by 'at times', I mean 'most of the time'.

    If I don't respond to your email, or do so only after an inordinate amount of time has passed, please don't take it personally.

The honest truth is that, if it's not work-related, I can be an enigma at times. This is often the result of me incessantly traveling to all ends of the globe.

Let me apologize in advance. To quote George Costanza's ex-girlfriend:

mailing address.

Please contact me for details.
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Contents of this site are (c)1994-2016, Christopher Uriarte